
The first stage in diagnosis is to consider other underlying problems that may be causing the symptoms of dyslexia. These include sight problems such as myopia and strabismus, hearing impairments or other conditions such as Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia and ADD.

It is also important to understand that a child may just be having difficultly responding to the method of teaching used.

Dyspraxia checklist:
Dyspraxia Checklist.pdf (68,2 kB)

Visual processing problems checklist :

Visual Processing Problems Checklist.pdf (69,5 kB)

However, if these possibilities are ruled out and the child continues to have trouble reading and writing it is important to seek professional help and possibly a dyslexia assessment as the younger a child is diagnosed the more effective treatment will be.

Step One - Checklists
Completing checklists can be helpful to a GP or assessor to show the general symptoms displayed and enable the likelihood of dyslexia to be seen.

A questionnaire (downloadable from dyslexiaaction.org.uk) may also be used to provide futher information on the child or adult.

In the case of a child their school may also be required to complete a questionnaire.

Child Reading

Adult checklist:
Adult Checklist.pdf (29,5 kB)

Step Two – Screening Tests

Computerised screening tests are used to indicate the probability as low, medium or high that the patient is dyslexic.

This is not a diagnosis but uses many tests of skills such as memory, reading, spatial awareness and spelling of the patient to compare with the norm of these skills in their age range and indicate particular areas of weakness or a particular learning disability.

Step Three – Full Diagnostic Assessment
Undertaken by a chartered psychologist this determines the exact nature and root causes of the difficulties.

This will take around 2 hours in which activities to show the level of the patient’s cognitive, literacy, numeracy and many other abilities. These will give a greater insight into their strengths and weaknesses as well as help find the exact brain functions that are interfering with normal functioning.

A full report will then be drawn up within three weeks which is included in the price of an assessment (Around £500). This will give more detailed information into the issues and recommendations for teaching techniques to help improve learning.



Image courtesy of Google Images, free for usage in public domain.
Imformation sourced from www.nhs.uk, www.bddyslexia.org.uk and www.dyslexia-test.co.uk